May 08, 2017 2 min read

Before we talk about Retinol, commonly known as Vitamin A1, we need to understand what Vitamins exactly are. Vitamins are a specific kind of nutrients that are needed for good health. The catch is that living organisms can't produce these vitamins by themselves. Therefore, it is really important to include these nutrients in your diet.
Many people think since proteins are the building blocks of muscles, a protein rich diet is all they need to have a fit and healthy body. But that notion is not remotely close to the truth. Our need for vitamins is evident from the fact that deficiency of any vitamin class (A, B complex, C, D, E and so on) can result in a disease of one or the other kind. For example, night blindness is among the initial signs of lack of vitamin A, while Vitamin C deficiency can lead to scurvy.

So, what is Vitamin A1?

Today, we are going to talk about Retinol, and as we mentioned in the beginning, the common name for Retinol is Vitamin A1. Retinol is helpful in keeping our vision sharp and our bones dense and healthy. It is also an amazing anti-aging compound. While it also keeps our reproduction system healthy, Retinol is also highly useful is keeping our immune system up and running. That’s right; it’s not just Vitamin C, but many nutrients that work together in keeping us healthy and disease free.

Retinol and Skin Care

Retinol is known as the most important ingredient for skin care. All the cosmetic industries have recognized its efficacy and use it in their products. Retinol is helpful in slowing down the signs of aging. Retinol also helps in rejuvenating the skin, leaving users with a clearer, more vibrant and youthful skin. It is also beneficial in reducing blemishes and acne.

Retinol and Bone Health

Retinol is especially useful in keeping our bones healthy and strong. It is evident from the fact that people with retinol deficiency also complain of weak knees, achy and brittle bones and are found to be more susceptible to fractures. Night blindness is another concern, as discussed before.

Sources of Retinol

Retinol is naturally available in liver, kidney, eggs and dairy products. But for those who are looking for a vegan food source to keep their bodies Retinol levels optimum, blue green algae, especially spirulina is a great option. This naturally occurring alga is commonly found in the slow moving waters and ponds with slightly warm water, and where the fauna is rich in nitrogen and phosphorous.

Spirulina contains carotenoids in abundance. Carotenoids are the plant-based form of vitamin A. Around 85% of spirulina is made up of carotenoids. While you can easily include spirulina in your day to day life, a better option is to take spirulina supplements from a trustworthy manufacturer. Many companies make multi-purpose blue-green algae supplements, which can be taken orally (as a tablet) or applied as a face pack (when ground and mixed with a neutral gel).

For an amazing skin rejuvenating, skin repairing blue/green algae treatment look for high quality serums like Age Rite Solutions or RG Advanced Skincare. These serums combine a potent blend of Blue/Green Algae with other skin fixing ingredients for proven results.
